decorative painting
Decorative painting embraces a wide variety of painting styles
Grotesque painting, rustic painting, ornamental painting, pop art, Pompeii mural painting, op art, stage-scenery painting, poster painting, border trimmings, signs or even barrel painting ...all are different types of decorative painting.
Essentially, trompe l?oeil and decorative painting are intertwined with each other. Trompe l?oeil gives the viewer an illusion. Decorative art is used to order scenes and make each one stand out.
Decorative art gives the person commissioning the work of art the opportunity to have materials produced in exactly the colours and textures he wishes. (e.g. purple marble, wood glazing in different colours or layers of colours).
Decorative art can also achieve a poster effect (by using edgings or ornamentation). Op art, for instance, brings about optical illusions or a veiling of proportions. Rustic art, usually confined to mineral colours using the tempera method, is a simple emphasis of architectonic elements. By contrast, grotesque art despite its flat appearance, seems to be much more complicated thanks to the incorporated motifs.